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The 25 Best Ways to Promote Your Blog


When it comes to getting your blog noticed, there’s no hiding the fact that it’s not easy. Even if you work tirelessly to create high-quality content and build an engaged audience, the sheer volume of blog posts out there makes it difficult for your site to stand out. Luckily, there are a number of strategies you can implement to help boost your blog’s exposure. From promoting your blog through publishing guest posts to collaborating with other sites, check out these 25 best ways to promote your blog.

1. Use Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

Every blogger wants to get more traffic from search engines and this is one of the easiest ways to do that. But what is SEO? It’s the process of optimizing your blog posts, so you get more visitors from Google, Yahoo and Bing. 

SEO is one of the best ways to promote your blog because when you do it right, you can get endless traffic for years!

I explain more about SEO in this blog post.

2. Run Facebook ads

With over two billion active users, Facebook can be an extremely effective platform to promote your blog. It’s flexible and allows you to target the exact people you want to see your ad.

The best part about Facebook’s advertising structure is that it is completely self-serve – meaning that if your campaign isn’t performing well, you can easily change it by adding new copy or changing up your targeting strategy. 

Facebook ads can be a bit overwhelming for beginners, but there are many resources that can help you create solid campaigns from the start.

3. Add share buttons to your blog posts

Adding social sharing buttons to your blog posts is a must. With social media being a prime means for content distribution, it’s important to make it as easy as possible for readers to share your work. Having this option readily available at the top or bottom of a page or post gives readers an incentive to share and engage with your work.

If you use WordPress, Jetpack offers a customizable social sharing module—all you have to do is activate it on your site and customize the settings (note: this will automatically add share buttons to all new posts).

For non-WordPress sites, there are several free options available, such as AddThis and ShareThis. These services provide numerous social media channels that can easily be selected and added to any website.

4. Repurpose your content

Repurposing your content for other platforms is a great way to promote your blog. You can do this in many different ways. 

For example, you could turn one of your blog posts into a podcast or YouTube video and then reference that post on the podcast or video. That way, people who listen to or watch it will be sent back to your site.

Or you could take a video you created and turn it into a blog post on your site. You could also take an infographic you made and put that on Pinterest instead of just sharing it on Facebook or Twitter. It’s all about finding different ways to share the same piece of content across multiple platforms in order to gain more exposure for yourself and your writing!

5. Send out emails to your list

Email marketing is the most effective way to get your readers’ attention and encourage them to follow where you want them to go. You can promote your blog post by sending emails to your list. If you haven’t started building an email list, it’s time to start.

The first thing you need to do is set up a dedicated landing page that offers some kind of freebie in exchange for contact information. It could be a free ebook, a PDF checklist, or some other type of lead magnet (that’s industry jargon for whatever super-valuable thing you offer). You should send traffic from social media and advertisements to this page. Also, make sure that whatever it is you’re offering on this page represents your brand identity and your blog’s content.

Once someone gives you their contact information, send them an email thanking them for joining your list and giving them the download link for the freebie you promised them. 

It also helps to set up a welcome sequence so that they can know you better. You can send them regular emails with helpful tips and recommendations in the future. 

You can use your emails to direct readers to your blog, affiliate products, or online shop. 

The best practice for email marketing is to deliver value with every correspondence, whether through helpful information or special deals (or both).

6. Use push notifications

Push notifications can be a great tool to remind your visitors about your blog when they haven’t visited in a while. After someone has landed on your blog, you can use dedicated software to prompt them to opt-in for push notifications. Then, you can send reminders about new posts directly to their desktop or mobile device.

You can also use push notifications to notify subscribers about content that might interest them, based on the actions they took on your site in the past.

7. Use Pinterest

Pinterest is a highly visual search engine and social media platform, meaning it’s a great place to get traffic to your blog posts. Here are some tips for using Pinterest to drive traffic back to your blog:

Pin more than just your own content. Pinning other people’s stuff will help you gain followers, and they might even reciprocate by following you back or sharing your pins.

Use hashtags in your board names, descriptions and even titles so that your content can be found easily. This is the easiest way to get more eyes on not only your pins, but also on the blog posts themselves.

Consider switching over to a business account if you haven’t already done so — a business account gives you access to analytics which can help with future strategic planning for both future content creation and promotion strategies.

8. Run Google ads

Google ads are a great way to promote your blog and they can be very effective. With Google ads you can pay to appear on Google’s search results pages. You can target your blog posts or you can use Google ads to promote your blog in general. Note that Google ads can be expensive, so make sure you track your ROI closely.

9. Write guest posts

There are three ways to find guest blogging opportunities:

If your posts are good and get in front of the right people, then this tactic can generate lots of new traffic for your blog, and establish you as an authority in your field or niche.

10. Promote your blog posts on LinkedIn

LinkedIn is another great source of organic traffic to your blog. Here are three of the best ways to promote your blog on LinkedIn:

When LinkedIn users log in to their account, the first thing they usually do is check their feed for updates and news. This is why posting your blog post links in your status update box is a sure-fire way to get noticed. Write a short intro about your blog post and then link to it. Feel free to join groups related to your niche or industry so you can share your blog posts with more people.

You can add a link to one of your published blog posts by editing the sections of your LinkedIn profile page. This allows you to show off one of the most recent articles you have written on social media.

LinkedIn allows individuals and companies alike to publish articles by using the “Write an article” button. This gives you added exposure when you share it with your networks, and it encourages engagement when people like or comment on your posts.

11. Create Twitter threads

Twitter threads are an excellent way to promote your blog. They allow you to provide context, share stories or add value.

Here are some tips on creating a compelling Twitter thread:

12. Promote on Instagram

Instagram is one of the largest social media platforms out there, so utilizing it to promote your blog is a no-brainer. Here are 3 tips for promoting on Instagram:

Repurpose your blog posts for Instagram. This allows you to drive traffic directly to your website, where people can read more about what you have to say! 

Take your best images from the blog post and create a story of them with text in between. Or post an image with a good summary of your blog post and add a CTA to the full article.

Share snippets from your blog posts to your Instagram stories. You can add a direct link to your story, or use an app like LinkinBioto create a page where you can share multiple links.

Use reels and hashtags on Instagram to boost your visibility. Reels are relatively new features released by Instagram that allows users to create short videos (up to 30 seconds) and add music, effects, and other fun features. Reels are sometimes suggested based on hashtags – so choose popular ones relevant to your niche – then share them with those hashtags included! 

13. Create slides and infographics

If you are a visual learner, creating slides and infographics may be the best way to share information from your blog.

Slides are easy to create with online tools like Canva and Powerpoint. You can easily make them by repurposing the text from your blog post into a slide deck.

Infographics take data—like tables, numbers, and graphs—and illustrate it visually. This makes it easier for readers to understand. Readers love infographics because they’re easy to digest and share on social media. You also get SEO value when you link back to your original content using anchor text links in the infographic description that points back to your site as the source of data.

You can make your own infographics by using an online tool like Canva or Piktochart, or by hiring a designer on Fiverr or Upwork.

14. Add your blog link to your social media bios

When people visit your social media accounts, they’re likely to look at your bio. So why not add a link to your blog in the bios of all of your social media accounts?

Your Instagram bio, for example, is a great place to put a link to your blog. You can also change out the links in your Facebook and Twitter bios every so often so that you’re promoting different posts or pages of your blog.

15. Add your blog link to your email signature

A very easy way to promote your blog is to add a link to your blog in your email signature. That way, every time you send an email, your recipients will see the link. If people know about and enjoy your blog, this is a great way of letting them know that you have new content for them. They can even pass the link on to their friends if they enjoy it!

If someone doesn’t already know about your blog, adding it as a part of your email signature can get more people checking out what you have published and sharing it with others too. Having more readers means more traffic on your website, which is great for business!

16. Add your blog link to your thank-you page

Maximize the value of your thank you page by adding a link to your blog. Include a call-to-action so that your visitor knows to check out your blog for more interesting stuff. This is a great way to get more traffic from people who are already interested in your content. 

17. Add your blog link to your link-in-bio page

A link-in-bio page lets you can add multiple links in one place so that when someone clicks on the link in your bio, they’ll land on a designated page with all of these links listed.

Your link-in-bio page can be used to direct people to your freebie, shop or latest offers, but don’t forget to include links to your most popular blog posts, so you can get more website traffic!

Check out my own biolink page and see how I incorporated my blog posts into it.

18. Add your blog link to your digital products

When you create digital products, whether eBooks, podcasts or videos, include a link to your blog in each one. You can embed this link within the content itself or add it at the end of your digital product.

Even better: where possible and relevant, link to specific blog posts rather than to your homepage. For example, if you’ve written several helpful posts about affiliate marketing, include links to some of these in your affiliate marketing videos and courses for maximum impact!

19. Add your blog link to your 404 page

When visitors encounter a 404 error, it means that they have been unable to find the content they were looking for. If you can, avoid displaying the standard 404 page template and use one that allows you to add links to your blog. You can showcase several popular or recent posts from your blog on this page, or link directly to your home page or other landing pages where users can browse all of your content.

20. Interlink your blog content

This may seem like a no-brainer, but I’ve found that many bloggers do not take advantage of interlinking their blog content—and this is a huge mistake. Here’s why:

You don’t want to overdo it with too many outbound links in any given article, but pick one or two key pieces of related content from your site and add them in. Or even better: create new pieces of content so that you have more options for where to put internal links!

21. Ask other blogs for backlinks to your site

To promote your blog, it is important to include links to your site on other people’s websites. This helps to boost your SEO score and rank you higher on Google. Ask other bloggers for backlinks by following these steps:

22. Submit your blog posts to submission sites

Submission sites are websites that allow you to submit your blog post for other users to vread and engage with. They can be a helpful way to get many people to see your content.

Submitting your blog posts should be done after they have been posted. This allows you to include a link back to the full article on your blog so people who find it interesting will click through and perhaps read more of your work .

23. Answer questions on Quora

The premise of Quora is simple: it’s a Q&A platform. You ask a question, and anyone who has the knowledge will write an answer to help you out. As a blogger, you can help people by answering their questions and getting your blog in front of potential readers simultaneously.

It’s easy to find relevant questions on Quora. Just use the search bar to find topics that are related to your blog’s niche. For example, I looked for “promote your blog” and got this list of questions:

“What are the most effective ways to promote blogs?”

“Where do you promote your blog with social media?”

“What is the best way to promote your blog on Twitter?”

Once you see a question you think you can answer, write your response. You can include links if they support your answer or add value to your post. After submitting your response, it will go into moderation before being published on the site. Once it’s live and gets upvoted, it’ll start showing up in search results for that topic and reach more people who might want to check out your blog! 

You probably won’t get many clicks on any one particular answer, but if you do Quora consistently, it will bring more traffic to your blog as people click through from your multiple answers!

24. Answer questions on HARO

If you’re not familiar with it, HARO (Help A Reporter Out) is a service that connects journalists and bloggers who need help with stories with sources who can provide quotes and other information for them.

Each day, HARO sends out three emails to its subscribers. The first email goes out early in the morning and contains queries from reporters who are on tight deadlines. The second email goes out around lunchtime and contains queries that have less-tight deadlines. The third email goes out in the evening, usually around 5 or 6pm EST, and contains queries from reporters who don’t need the information until the next day at some point.

If you want to get more eyeballs on your blog posts, a great way to do this is by responding to HARO queries with links to your posts when they’re relevant. You can also cite any statistics included in your posts if they’ll be helpful to a reporter’s story. If the reporter uses your response, they will usually also include your bio and a backlink to your site.

25. Syndicate your content

Content syndication is the process of publishing your blog content on other third-party sites. You do this to expand your reach and expose your brand to new audiences.

It’s important to note that content syndication isn’t a substitute for guest blogging, but it can be an effective supplement. This is because a lot of sites require exclusive rights to your content—meaning you cannot republish it anywhere else—which includes your own site.

With content syndication, you don’t need to worry about that. You can publish the same article on multiple sites and still use it on your blog. Medium and Outbrain are two examples of content syndication sites.


So there you have it: 25 of the best ways to promote your blog.

Consider bookmarking this page so that you can come back and try each one as you start to grow your blog traffic. Building an audience takes time, but once you start getting more traffic, the possibilities are endless. The more people visit your blog, the more money you can make, the bigger impact you can have in your niche, and the better connections you can build with other bloggers and brands.

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